Exhaust unit FP 211 with activated carbon

Exhaust unit FP 211 with activated carbon
Areas of application
Laser processing (in some cases combined with precoating)
Mechanical processing (grinding, deburring, milling, drilling, cutting)
Transferring materials, packaging processes, transporting/ conveying processes
The system includes numerous features
Upgradeable with various filter modules
Cleanable filter cartridge
Simple dust removal
Powerful electronics
The contaminated air is collected by the collection unit (extractor hood, suction arm, hose, etc.) and transported into the filter unit directly or through a pipe or flexible hose. The dust particles are filtered out by a cleanable filter cartridge in the filter unit.
The filter cartridge can be cleaned by hand using a compressed air gun, but for health reasons, the optional automatic cleaning system is recommended. The automatic cleaning system is triggered by the system’s differential pressure controls whenever the extraction level decreases.
The filtered-out dust particles are collected in a dust collector for easy disposal. If necessary, a dust bag can also be inserted for low-contamination disposal.
Upgradeable with various filter modules
The FP system is equipped with a cleanable filter cartridge of dust class M. An optional particle filter (H13) can be installed downstream to increase the separation efficiency, e.g. where carcinogenic substances are present. A molecular filter (activated carbon/BAC) is also available to eliminate odours from the process air. For each additional filter selected, a machine pedestal must be ordered to increase the system’s stability.
Cleanable filter cartridge
TBH standard filter cartridges feature a microfibre surface made of PES (polyester) and a conductive coating. They are tough and well-protected against mechanical damage, and they represent a solution for a wide range of customer applications. For special applications, PTFe-coated filter cartridges and other accessories are also available.
Simple dust removeal
The dust collected in the process can be disposed of using the removable dust collector. If necessary, a dust bag can also be inserted for low-contamination disposal.
This allows decentralised positioning of the extraction system for multiple extraction sites (for example manual workstations). If you need an effective design for special applications, please contact the TBH sales team.
All FP-series systems are equipped with INSPIRE control electronics and a comprehensive interface. This allows controlling and monitoring the following functions:
Switching between run/standby
Manual adjustment of the rotation speed
Manual start of the filter-cartridge cleaning
Filter-saturation indicator of the extraction system
Visual and acoustic display of the filter saturation
Fault display and notification
- System start/stop
- Warning at a filter saturation of 75% (notification, e.g. for external control of the cleaning process)
- Visual and acoustic display of the filter saturation
- Collective fault output (rotation speed, temperature, filter full 100%)
- External adjustment of the rotation speed
- External start of the cleaning process
- Error memory improves the coordination between the customer and the TBH service
- Parameterization access for the activation of custom functions
Operating elements
- Switching between run/standby
- Manual adjustment of the rotation speed
- Manual start of the filter-cartridge cleaning
- Filter-saturation indicator
- System status indicator
- Performance-setting indicator/ operating-hours meter
- Temperature and turbine-malfunction indicator
- Filter status indicator
Industrial safety and health protection
In order to meet our customers’ safety requirements even better, TBH has complemented its product range by different extraction and filter systems specifically tested by the German Institut für Arbeitsschutz (IFA) [Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] in accordance with DIN ISO 15012 (2013).
Special air-cleaning module on demand
The FP Series on request is equipped with a special cleaning control allowing the automatic removal of dust covering the filter cartridge thus significantly increasing the filter service life. Depending on the specific case of application, different options can be parameterized by the customer*:
- Differential-pressure-controlled cleaning (factory setting) The system constantly monitors the actual filter saturation and automatically starts the cleaning cycle once a set value has been reached (factory setting: filter saturation of 75%)
- Interval cleaning (can be parameterized via interface) The system automatically starts the cleaning cycle in accordance with individually adjustable periods of time (minutes/hours)
- Coastdown cleaning (can be parameterized via interface) Coastdown cleaning can also be activated in addition to the other modes. The cleaning cycle is started automatically once the system is switched to standby. This allows the system to clean the filter at the end of a work shift without interrupting any work processes.
- Start cleaning via interface Depending on the individual case of application, the customer can activate the cleaning by means of the interface. Using this function is recommended whenever the customer’s work process must not be interrupted in an unforeseen manner.
Additional functions:
- Slide-valve control, system shutdown during a running cleaning process, cycle times and much more.
* - note: this module is only included in the units described as containing the "air cleaning module", it is also available separately